This Good Neighbor Policy provides useful information for neighbors and guests to enjoy the Morgan community safely, consistently and considerately.
Speed Limit – The maximum statutory speed limit within the Morgan community is 25 mph. Please remain aware of the walkers, runners, bikers and golf carts on the roads throughout Morgan and be considerate and slow when passing.
Pets – Morgan is a very pet-friendly community. For safety and environmental purposes, dogs outside of a lot must be on a leash and all dog waste must be picked up immediately and disposed of by the pet owner.
Noise – As a courtesy to neighbors please be mindful that noise carries on the lake and reduce volume levels during the quieter hours of 10:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. consistent with county ordinance, local establishments and nearby communities. During these same hours noise and music should not be heard inside neighboring homes.
Common Areas – The two Morgan common areas are available to all Morgan Association members in good standing and to their guests while visiting or renting in either neighborhood. Access to the common area requires a card/fob and any vehicle parked in the common area must have a placard in the inside dash/windshield. Homeowners in good standing with the Morgan Association should accompany guests and provide the access card/fob and placard/s to renters planning to use the common area during their stay. Additionally, the following guidelines pertain to amenities in each of the common areas:
Parking – Please follow any parking signs indicating the ‘No Parking’ and restricted parking areas near the boat ramp, picnic and swimming area. A small area is available for golf cart parking. The area around the boat ramp is for loading and unloading only and vehicles should park in the large parking lot as soon as possible, whether boating, picnicking or swimming. The area around the ramp and picnic/swim area must be clear for others to utilize the ramp and for emergency service vehicles. Trailers must be attached to a towing vehicle at all times. No overnight parking of vehicles, trailers or boats is permitted.
Boat Ramp – Both Morgan common areas have a boat ramp (requires access to common area). This ramp is for loading and unloading watercraft. Vehicles and trailers should be moved away from the ramp and parked in the large parking lot as quickly as possible to keep the ramp open for others. Watercraft should not be tied up at the ramp for other purposes than loading/unloading.
Docks and Piers – Fishing is allowed on the docks in the common area. Boats in the slips are the private property of Morgan homeowners and access is strictly restricted to owners. County laws govern property owner’s rights to prosecute trespassers who damage or steal private property.
Swimming – The Morgan common areas have designated swimming areas. These areas are “Swim at your own risk”. Parents should supervise children at all times and consider use of appropriate safety wear while in the water.
Picnic area – The Morgan common areas have a picnic area for use. These areas include one or more picnic tables and a grill.
Fire Pits – Each of the Morgan common areas include a fire pit. Please utilize common safety measures when having a fire in the fire pit. Keep pets and children away from the fire and ensure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the area.
Trash – There are no trash receptacles at the common areas. Please take your trash with you when you leave.
Portable Toilets – Two portable toilets are located at each of the Morgan common areas. Please do not throw trash, diapers and other debris into the portable toilet.
Noise – Consistent with the guidance above, please reduce music/noise levels in the common area after 10:00 p.m.
Pets – Consistent with the guidance above, pets are allowed in the common area and must be under strict control of their owners.